Ursula was very well loved by her little girl. Ursula’s family’s mom wrote that she “was won at a carnival game, so her materials are probably not top quality. However, she has been loved to pieces (almost literally) by my five year old over the past three years. This includes my daughter using her as a pillow every night and carrying her around by the horn all the time.”
Here is the first photo of Ursula I saw:

As you can see, she was a bit droopy and had lost the original glow on her horn and hooves, but she was still pretty stable. I proposed a spa and recovering her horn and hooves in new fabric. Her family agreed and Ursula flew in. Here she is in her bubble bath:

She’s getting nice and clean and don’t worry, she’ll be plump soon! You can also see a bit of the glow on her hoof and horn, but we still planned to recover them as the fabric was quite thin.
Here’s here heart being made and installed with a bit of her original stuffing. I have special unicorn fabric for their hearts… mostly because I saw the fabric and couldn’t resist. 🙂

Once she was mostly stuffed, it was time to find new pink glowing fabric for her. That took a bit of doing. She originally had sparkles, which were long gone, and a perfect match in color and sparkles was nowhere to be found. Here are the three options I found (the one on the left has sparkles… don’t know if you can see them):

Her family opted for the panne velvet in the last image… a really close color match with some shine.
Surgery proceeded and soon Ursula was ready to fly home:

She flew straight home to Indianapolis and into her little girl’s arms. I got a photo of them…Ursula was being squeezed very tightly around the neck, so it’s a good thing she got plumped up! And the feedback from the five year old? “They did such a good job!”
This is part of a retrospective of older stuffed animal repair patient posts from my tumblr blog. You can read other back posts at doctorbeth.tumblr.com.