A teddy bear story
Hi all! I hope you are all safe and doing well!
This teddy bear is over 30 years old and his person felt he could use some tlc. Here are the diagnosis photos she sent:

Not too bad, but clearly well loved. I offered several treatments, from just recovering his missing footpads and stitching his wounds, to transplants for bald spots, lining if the bald spots were acceptable but reinforcement was desired, full recovering, and of course a spa. His person opted for full recovering and a spa, as well as a new nose and eyes. A bed was reserved for his hospital arrival.
Teddy arrived and started care with a spa. It’s always best to clean before other surgeries. While plushies don’t need to worry about infection, it is better to match furs to cleaned fur, and to be sure any stitching doesn’t tighten surface dirt or keep old stuffing in place. Here he is in his bubble bath:

He’s a little guy, so the tub was more of a pool for him. 🙂
Next, his person had to choose his new fur. There were many options:

The first choice was the top one, and surgery proceeded. Once stuffed and recovered, he needed a heart for a bit of his old stuffing. Here’s that being made and put in:

Next decision, what fabric to use for his footpads and inner ears. They had once been a smoother, darker fabric. I found several nice solids, but I also had one with stars which was an almost perfect match to his original color:

His person loved the stars! So that’s what we used. Here he is fully recovered in his chubbiness approval pics. His spine is open so I can adjust his stuffing….

Chubbiness approved! Just needed to add his smile back….

And those ribbons were options to replace his old bow. Again, his person chose my favorite, the sparkly one on the bottom.
Here he is all closed up, ribbon on, ready to fly home cross country:

Sparkling with a glitter ribbon and stars!
His person wrote:
He looks even better than I could have imagined!