Psychedelic Dragon to brighten your day
This dragon came to the stuffed animal hospital for repair and cleaning. He’s rainbow bright and a happy story with a great transformation. 🙂
The dragon’s person first called, then wrote:
I talked with Beth yesterday about my 50 year old psychedelic dragon. I have enclosed pictures, and I hope you can help restore him. The main problems I see are:
- His neck is broken and now flops around.
- He used to have red, orange, and yellow flames coming out of his mouth, but these were pulled out by my daughter about 15 years ago.
- His eyes need repainting.
- He used to have pieces of felt under the plastic eyes that formed “eyelashes”.
- His tail is now too floppy.
- Needs cleaning.
Let me know what you think. Also, my Dragon is fully covered by his PPO health insurance, so hospitalization won’t be an issue !! Thank you for your time.
Well, after a checkup, it was decided that the dragon would fly up from SoCal for a spa and some surgery. Here he is on arrival at the hospital:

As you can see, his internal structure broke so he couldn’t hold up his head or out his tail. His eyes had lost both their lashes, and their blood vessels and parts of their pupils. His spine scales were down to nubs. And he’d lost his fire breathing skills!
First step was unstuffing. This also involved removing the old spine scales and internal wires that were supposed to hold his neck up. Then a bubble bath:

His nostrils were stubborn. They had seen too much smoke and wouldn’t clean, so we ended up replacing them too.
Next was restuffing with new polyfiber stuffing. His old stuffing was a disintegrating combination of fluff and styrofoam. Still, some went in a heart (with matching rainbow hearts) to be reinstalled:

Next his spine scale frame went on before the heart went in (the spine scales aren’t cut out yet):

(you can see one of my jigsaws in the background – they’re great practice for reassembling patients that have been attacked by pets). 🙂
Then I worked on his eyelashes – remember this is before:

And this is after:

Then his eyes themselves were taken care of:

And he got his fire breathing back:

Some new sparkly white nostrils and he was feeling himself again:

Who can resist that face? Not me!
He needed an extra long box to fly home, given his now straight neck and tail, and I had a perfect one just for him:

The Psychedelic Dragon flew home. He made it home safely and his person wrote:
Dragon looks unbelievable! You did a wonderful job repairing him, and I love how your ideas worked out. I cannot express in words how pleased I am. Thanks for bringing a part of my past back to life! Only the best for you and your business in the future.