Chubby aka Chubbs (the cow)
Chubby’s an avid cycler. She rides far and wide with her human family. They wrote:
Our cow, Chubby (full name: Chubby Cow Bra – named after her first mountain bike ride in 2006; the Chupacabra Race), has spent the last 11 years riding mountain bikes with my wife and me. (She usually rides on my back.) She had a nose job a few years ago, but now her back and her horns are getting extremely worn.
Can you do this sort of operation? How long do you think she would be in the hospital? What’s the best way to get her there? Do you have an estimate for the operation (I don’t think she’s covered under my medical insurance)?
We agreed the best treatment would be a spa, followed by lining of the most worn areas on her back and forehead, wound stitching, and recovering her horns. Here she is on arrival at the spa:

We started her with a spa to remove road dirt:

Then she got lining with new stuffing and a heart (pink and white like her)… you can see how much better her back is already:

I double checked her horn fabric. Her family had sent the same fabric used on her nose, but her nose had faded a lot in the sun:

She had a birthday while she was here, and got a card in the mail:

Horn fabric approved, her horns were recovered and her chubbiness checked:

A bit too chubby – too much stuffing flavored birthday cake – she went on a crash diet so she could be just right to fly home:

Chubby arrived home yesterday. Her family wrote:
Thanks again, Dr Beth. Chubby just got in, and she looks fantastic. She’s looking forward to seeing all her old friends and going on a bike ride on Saturday.
An update from Chubby received this morning:
Hi Dr Beth!
The Boy let me use his phone so I could tell you I’m fine. I’m even back to mountain biking with The Girl and The Boy!
Thanks again for the spa and skin graft.
The Boy noticed I also put on some weight, which means I can sit up straighter now.
I hope all of your other spa guests are doing welll.
Feel free to tell others about my visit! I really loved my bath!
– Chubby Cow
and here is the photo she sent: