George the Bunny
George was in the hospital for over a month. He is a very little blue bunny, maybe 5 inches tall when he’s sitting. He is in his thirties and was a victim, as his person said, of “an extreme dog mauling”. This is what George looked like when he arrived at the hospital:

and when I opened his bag, and separated George from the stuffing, this was what I found:

Good thing I like jigsaw puzzles! The first step was to clean George’s parts, so when he went home, he wouldn’t be as attractive to the dog:
Here he is in the spa:

He’s really in there!
Once George was dry, I started putting him together. He originally had pink checked lining for his ears and bottom feet, and a worn area on his chest that looked like a heart. So I had ordered new pink checks for him, and we had agreed to use white fur for the heart. Here is George when he first started to come together. (If you look closely, you can see one of the jigsaw puzzles I was working on in the top left corner.)

The next step was to fill in George’s blanks (fur transplants), order him new eyes, and start restuffing him. I ordered eyes from Canada and China for George. Here were some of the options:

Here are the ones his person chose first going in:

Next was the filling. George initially had a little gray bag of walnut shells in his tush (probably what attracted the dog). So first I made him a new walnut bag.

And here it is going in:

Next George got a little heart with a bit of his original stuffing:

Then he got put back together, had his new eyes adjusted, and even got a new nose. The goal was to keep as much of George’s original fur and skin visible as possible, but to make him healthy and sturdy enough to keep his person comfy at night and bring pleasant dreams. Here he is waiting for his flight home:

He has some scars, but he sure did earn them! And he’s all set for decades more hugs!