Meow with the custom fabric transplants
I’ve been so excited to share Meow’s story with you all! I mean, he’s a partial recover, and you’ve seen those before, but in this case, I used multiple fabrics to replicate his striped original fabric and I was really happy with how he came out… and so was his family. So, without further ado, may I present Meow!
Meow is a very small cat, maybe 7″ long? Less if he’s sitting. But he had been very well loved in his short life. His person’s uncle wrote to me, asking if I could help. Here is the diagnosis photo he sent:

Just fyi, his balding was also pretty serious on his back.
There were a few options for care, but treating his balding was definitely the most serious concern. In the end, his family opted for new eye, bald spot treatment with transplants but not a full recover, and a gentle spa, as well as wound repair.
So he flew to the hospital from Washington state, not too long a flight, and started his treatment with a spa:

Next, he got new eyes. His eyes were originally green – the cataracts were so bad, I couldn’t really tell the original color till I took out his eyes and looked on the backside of them. Here he is with vision restored to 20/20:

Next were transplants…. Perfect matches for striped fur are impossible without a donor (and sometimes even donors aren’t perfect). I’ve done transplants where we use the background fur color, and add black stripes for tigers (you’ve seen some of those here) but Meow’s stripes weren’t black. Sometimes we just use a solid close to one of the stripe colors in that case, and that was an option… and actually the plan for Meow. But then I had two fabrics which matched his two stripe colors really closely:

I talked with his family about it, and we agreed to mix the colors in the transplants… a little of one, a little of the other. But keep in mind, stripes on animals aren’t exact lines, so this wasn’t a case of making a fabric by sewing strips on a machine, and then using the new fabric. Each piece was chose, and shaped for the area where the bald spot was, and sewn in separately. It was more complicated than this surgery usually is, but also kind of meditative. 🙂
So… here is Meow all better! (He did get a heart btw, I just didn’t photo it)

His family was thrilled too. “He looks great!” they wrote. And Meow flew north and home.