Sailor the Teddy Bear: hospital visit and repair
Sailor the teddy bear’s person wrote a month or so ago hoping for some treatment. Sailor himself was in pretty good shape, except for some small eye issues to repair, but his clothes had worn to the point that she wanted them replaced, and she figured he should enjoy a spa while he was in California as well.
Here is Sailor’s diagnosis photo:

Now the eye issue which isn’t quite clear, is his eyes were a bit off kilter. When he came to the hospital and was getting prepped for his spa, I found the reason – the post of his right eye (left in the photo) was broken off inside and his eye had been glued into place. Fortunately, as you’ll see, we were able to restore his vision to 20/20.
Also, in addition to a new outfit for Sailor, his person was hoping for one of those sailor cape/collars to go over his shoulders, matching the color of his pants and hat. He was to keep his original hat, but the trim at the back needed a bit of repair.
Here’s Sailor in his bubble bath:

And here’s his heart being made and installed with a bit of his original stuffing:

And finally, here’s Sailor all better and ready to fly home! A few things to note about his new clothes — the shirt and pants are one piece, just like the original. They close with a snap at the top, but have a decorative button where the snap is, that matches the small striped area on the front of his shirt. His new collar/cape is removable as well. You can also see the chubbiness testing photo, where I’m poking his belly (I don’t show this usually). This is where his person had the chance to add feedback to adjust his stuffing if needed.

Sailor’s person approved and he flew home to Michigan. BTW, he flew both ways with an air tag in his box, so his person knew exactly where he was at all times. The funniest thing with air tag patients is the air tag makes a jingly sound when it moves, so every time I move an air tag patient’s bed, I have to remind myself that they don’t have internal bells, that’s their tracker. 🙂
Anyway, Sailor made it home safe and sound and his person wrote:
“He’s perfect omg ; ; I can’t thank you enough”